Crisis can be either an opportunity or a danger depending on one's perception about a situation. For a child who was placed in foster care due to loss of both parents, crisis would be viewed as danger because of fear of the unknown, lack of trust in the new family, and inability to cope with the present situation. It is only natural for people to perceive crisis to be danger when facing an intense situation. But with the help of the new family and the team members, the child can begin to see opportunities in the crisis. The child can develop the ability to trust and also the ability to control deep emotions. Choose a major crisis (which in some say affected children and adolescents) which occurred in the United States Summarize this crisis, and discuss the trilogy (precipitating event, perception, and failure to cope) which contributed to the crisis. How to find opportunity in a crisis: 5 ways to create a sense of... 1. Practice crisis response. "Make scenario planning part of your DNA."... 2. Rally the troops. In his book, A Sense of Urgency, Kotter explained that a crisis, broadcast clearly to all, can be a call to arms... 3. Make the situation clear... 4. Step back...