Opinions are those thoughts and beliefs that we each hold. Some will agree with your opinions, and some will not. We each march to the beat of our own opinionated drums. As we do, the beat continues to go on and on and on. Lah deeh dah deeh deeh . . . Lah deeh dah deeh dah. The interviews continue in book 7 with opinions and facts that you may or may not agree with. These opinions are part of the journey to show that we as humans are very different from one another. Be patient as you disagree with some of the interviews and opinions. Then all hell breaks loose. The truth is finally revealed. In book 5, a brother was lost. No one is perfect, as more confessions come forth in book 8. A lost boy of a large family is found by sheer chance. Lovers depart from each other as a wedding and a fairy-tale honeymoon take place. A third brother is discovered, with a son finding his dad whom each had known all along. And at the same time, that discovery of father and son is lost along with a beloved grandchild. I thought it was just a dream. But then reality happens in book 10. So why do bad things happen to good people? It's called life, and sometimes life can suck.