Quantized field theory and the principle of gauge
invariance are the foundations of the present
successful standard model of elementary particles. In
spite of all that has been done there are still some
unsolved problems. Two of them are addressed in
this book. The first is related to the question of
equivalence of a quantized gauge field theory
formulated with different gauge conditions. In
particular, I show a way how to restore rotational
invariance of QCD in the spatial axial gauge and its
equivalence with QCD in the Coulomb gauge. The second
deals with charged quantum particles in a
classical background field. Renormalized effective
action describing such interaction is derived by
using simple diagrammatic techniques. These
incredibly simple ways for calculating multiple-loop
Feynman diagrams open the possibility of finding
higher orders of Heisenberg-Euler effective action.
The book offers a summary of these two topics
together with new results and useful references.
Knowledge of the basics of quantum field
theory is assumed.
invariance are the foundations of the present
successful standard model of elementary particles. In
spite of all that has been done there are still some
unsolved problems. Two of them are addressed in
this book. The first is related to the question of
equivalence of a quantized gauge field theory
formulated with different gauge conditions. In
particular, I show a way how to restore rotational
invariance of QCD in the spatial axial gauge and its
equivalence with QCD in the Coulomb gauge. The second
deals with charged quantum particles in a
classical background field. Renormalized effective
action describing such interaction is derived by
using simple diagrammatic techniques. These
incredibly simple ways for calculating multiple-loop
Feynman diagrams open the possibility of finding
higher orders of Heisenberg-Euler effective action.
The book offers a summary of these two topics
together with new results and useful references.
Knowledge of the basics of quantum field
theory is assumed.