High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Tyler Perry's House of Payne is an American sitcom created and produced by playwright, director, and producer Tyler Perry. The show revolves around a multi-generational family living under one roof in Atlanta, Georgia led by patriarch Curtis "Pops" Payne and his wife Ella. The show premiered in syndication on June 21, 2006, and has been broadcast exclusively on TBS since June 6, 2007. House of Payne has been picked up for another forty episodes, giving the series a total of 172 episodes in a span of five years. Micheal Wright, executive vice president, head of programming for TBS, TNT, and Turner Classic Movies (TCM), said, "We have a terrific relationship with Tyler Perry, and this deal means new episodes of House of Payne will continue to air on TBS well into the future."
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