This novel explores the lives of a Colombian family over three generations, illustrating how themes of art, purpose, and belonging evolve through the experiences of migration. The story is inspired by my family history, in a fictional recreation that begins with Richard, a defiant young Colombian artist in 1900, whose life intertwines with Tita, his wife. Together they manage a successful art business amid political turmoil, eventually relocating to Canada. This theme of cultural blending and identity continues through their son, Rigo, who in the 1950s returns to Colombia as an engineer, and his wife, Yayo, who juggles creativity, personal aspirations, and family life as they move between Colombia and Canada. The third generation introduces their son Ricky, who delves into art, revolution, and professional work across multiple countries starting in the 1980s, and his second wife, Lee, who faces the contemporary challenges of balancing professional and family responsibilities in the U.S. in the 2000s. The concluding chapters reflect on the characters' journeys, intertwining themes of love, the pursuit of ideals, and the inevitability of death. The Borrachero Tree symbolizes the blend of inspiration and danger inherent in their creative paths, while Don Quixote provides a backdrop of idealism against their practical struggles.
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