The world has been beleaguered with all sorts of
problems in all aspects of life. In general,
governments and peoples worldwide have submitted
themselves to man-made laws and teachings, which
bring nothing but perplexing problems calling for the
need for world peace. Humanity as a whole will
continue to suffer various kinds of problems as long
as they will continue ignoring seeking peace with
Allah (the God) who is the Source of Peace. They need
to earn Allah s Mercy by understanding the life,
character and teachings of His Messenger and Mercy to
mankind, the Prophet Muhammad (P). Unfortunately
non-Muslims continue to disbelieve the Prophet (P)
and many of them even continue to make all sorts of
clear lies against him. This book covers some
important aspects of the Prophet s life, character
and teachings with authentic proofs from the Qur an
and the Sunnah. It also includes enlightening remarks
by non-Muslim and former
non-Muslim scholars and leaders concerning Prophet
Muhammad (P) and his teachings. All those who want to
free themselves from the bondage of ignorance and
problems are invited to read this book in order to
attain eternal peace, prosperity and success.
problems in all aspects of life. In general,
governments and peoples worldwide have submitted
themselves to man-made laws and teachings, which
bring nothing but perplexing problems calling for the
need for world peace. Humanity as a whole will
continue to suffer various kinds of problems as long
as they will continue ignoring seeking peace with
Allah (the God) who is the Source of Peace. They need
to earn Allah s Mercy by understanding the life,
character and teachings of His Messenger and Mercy to
mankind, the Prophet Muhammad (P). Unfortunately
non-Muslims continue to disbelieve the Prophet (P)
and many of them even continue to make all sorts of
clear lies against him. This book covers some
important aspects of the Prophet s life, character
and teachings with authentic proofs from the Qur an
and the Sunnah. It also includes enlightening remarks
by non-Muslim and former
non-Muslim scholars and leaders concerning Prophet
Muhammad (P) and his teachings. All those who want to
free themselves from the bondage of ignorance and
problems are invited to read this book in order to
attain eternal peace, prosperity and success.