Today we are living in the scientific world which is technologically advanced. World is fast moving and we can call it as shrinking world. People have absolutely no time to spend for spiritual development. Today people are more materialistic and have more of achievement orientation. They wanted to grow more and more in all fields, achieve more, earn more in this process they ultimately lose peace. During olden days life style of people was different from today. In those days people use to spend valuable time with family and relatives. They lived relatively peaceful life than today. Psychological problems what we here today is totally absent in those days. The food we eat also has impact on our Guna therefore we should select food according to the Guna which we want to acquire. This concept is discussed in detail in chapter one of this study. India was spiritually well advanced in those days. Investigator tried her best to explain rich Indian tradition and in depth analysis of selected topics in Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita can be considered as the snapshot of Veda and Vedantic thoughts. The concept of Sthitaprajña which is explained in Bhagavad Gita is applicable even today.