Stress a much known fact responsible for disturbances of physiological responses in our body. The present scenario of world today indulges more quickly towards stressful life pattern may be because of personal, occupational or social factors either due to work load, personal issues, desires, sociable recognizable, to be perfectionist these all thoughts some or other way effects our life pattern, thinking process which certainly leads to unhealthy thinking pattern thus leads to varieties of physical as well as mental disturbances. Thus the motive behind writing this book was to describe the relationships between the stress and psycho physiological systems and its causes behind. Also we describes about the concept of eustress because life would be sheen without challenge that's why performance stress or eustress is good for positive outcomes. To overcome stressful situations techniques like stress inoculation method, relaxation techniques, Biofeedback and Cognitive behavior therapyetc are discussed in this book to overcome the situations. Thus this book could be noticeably beneficial for the present stressful life scenario.