At the end of our investigation, it's worth noting that today's technique differs from that of the Ancients. Unlike the ancient version of technique, that of the Moderns is based on an arraisonnement. It is no longer a simple unveiling; on the contrary, it is a provocation, imposing its own law on nature. It has turned modern man into Homo deus, an all-powerful being who seems to rival God. Thanks to his technical nature, the human being transforms the supposedly hostile nature. But the sad fact is that behind his modifying action lies the idea of transgression. With Gilbert Simondon, we understand that every action carried out by the man of modern technology aims to go beyond its limits in a dominating perspective. To prevent his approach from being destructive to himself and his environment, the author of Du Mode d'existence des objets techniques strongly recommends rational use of technology. For this reason, a genuine technical culture is essential, to regulate any human drift