The Union of Popular Artists of Ecuador Imbabura Branch, was born with the urgent need to organize the artists of the province of Imbabura, because until then the existing organizations did not represent the interests of a group of artists who wanted to obtain achievements not only for art and culture but for artists as workers in the arts and culture. Thus, with much desire and inexperience, UNAPE-I was formed as a platform for meeting, intercultural dialogue and, above all, the construction of joint proposals with common objectives and their own demands, mainly in the area of taking over public spaces, spaces of creation, distribution, dissemination and communication for the arts. To fight to build real local and national public policies that cover the general interests of arts workers, guaranteeing rights, such as social security for artists to give a sense beyond art for art's sake, but for the construction of an art with content, ideology, participation and political incidence in the territory.