"So vulnerable and heartfelt. I love it." -- Josie Silver, bestselling author of One Day in December Nobody is a bigger fan of actor Thomas Cassidy than Libby. Nobody. That's why she has a plan. She's going to write a novel, name the main character after Thom, and find a way to get it to him. Intrigued and flattered, he will read it, fall in love with her prose, and ask to turn it into a movie. She will pretend to think about it, then say, "Sure, but can I work on it with you?" Their eyes will meet over the script... and fade to black. But with four interwoven lives in play, can anything be that simple? Thoughtful, quirky, and moving, Unscripted is a story of friendship and second chances, and asks the question: how far can you take your dream?
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