Internet plays an important role in research process. Internet is a source to plenty of useful information, which is helpful to the research scholar in many ways. The research scholar can get information about people, products, organizations, research data, electronic version of print media, photographs, etc. through the Internet. Internet services include direct communication (e-mail, chat), on-line conferencing (Usenet News, E-mail discussion lists), distributed information resources (WWW, Gopher), remote login and file transfer (Telnet, F.T.P.) and many other valuable tools. The purpose of the study was to analyze different aspects of information helpful to research in Physical Education available on the Internet. The study was delimited to the web sites related to subjects such as: Yoga, Health Education, Nutrition, Anatomy, Sports Medicine, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology and Sports Psychology. This book is useful to the Researchers, Sport Teachers and Physiotherapists.