V monografii na osnove obnaruzhennoj svyazi foto- i inzhekcionno-vol'taicheskogo jeffektov v mnogoslojnyh poluprovodnikovyh strukturah predlozhen novyj tip usilitelej moshhnosti s avtomaticheskoj nastrojkoj toka pokoya. Privodyatsya rezul'taty vsestoronnih original'nyh issledovanij usilitel'nyh svojstv tranzistorov, pozvolivshih razrabotat' universal'nyj metod rascheta usilitelej moshhnosti pri minimal'nyh nelinejnyh iskazheniyah. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya specialistov, a takzhe magistrantov, zanimajushhihsya razrabotkoj jelementnoj bazy infokommunikacionnyh tehnologij. The monograph proposed power amplifiers with automatic tuning of the quiescent current on the basis of the findings relations of photo- and injection-voltaic effects in multilayer semiconductor structures. The results are presented of comprehensive original studies of the amplifying properties of transistors are given, which made it possible to develop a universal method for calculating power amplifiers withminimal nonlinear distortions. The monograph is intended for specialists, as well as undergraduates involved in the development of the elemental base of infocommunication technologies.