The technical development in terms of social media is challenging for many departments of a business. Especially, the HR division of large enterprises needs to take this into consideration and adapt their strategies according to this new progress. In literature, many recommendations are given and strategies for employer branding are particularly outlined on Social Networking Sites (SNSs). Online business networks, such as XING or LinkedIn, present in contrast to leisure networks, as for example Facebook, a more professional way of social networking. This book focuses on a rather unexplored part of social networking, as it concentrates on how young professionals use XING as an information platform for their prospective employer. Since this special group of young professionals, mainly from the net generation, strives for new challenges and wants to further broaden their horizon, they differ in their job-searching behaviour. This study examines how young professionals employ XING toseek their first workplace. The questionnaire used in this study comprised a total of 32 questions and was available from November, 2012 to February, 2013. 192 participants from mainly three different countries and with an average age of 28.45 years answered those enquiries.