Der Band umfasst 422 Briefe. Constant heiratet Charlotte von Hardenberg, was zu Verwerfungen mit seiner Langzeitgeliebten, der Schriftstellerkollegin, Germaine de Staël führt. Das politische Leben tritt in den Briefen aus dieser Periode in den Hintergrund, auch das literarische Schaffen ruht nach dem Erscheinen von Wallstein. Der Leser wird v.a. mit dem bewegten Privatleben von Constant konfrontiert.
The volume contains 422 letters. Constant marries Charlotte von Hardenberg, which leads to an estrangement from Germaine de Staël, his fellow-writer and mistress of long standing. In the letters from this period, political life takes a back seat, and after the appearance of Wallstein his literary creativity enters a dormant phase. The reader is confronted above all with Constant's turbulent private life.
The volume contains 422 letters. Constant marries Charlotte von Hardenberg, which leads to an estrangement from Germaine de Staël, his fellow-writer and mistress of long standing. In the letters from this period, political life takes a back seat, and after the appearance of Wallstein his literary creativity enters a dormant phase. The reader is confronted above all with Constant's turbulent private life.