This anthology includes everything that any artist tries to explore in his work in his own way: the human heart, psyche, painful points. For this, the emotional and philosophical observation of the author, the figurativeness of the image and expression, and the level of figurative thinking are of great importance in the writer's approach. Three main principles of psychological analysis are mentioned in the scientific works of Russian and Uzbek writers. M. Abdurahmonova, N. Shodiev, H. from Uzbek literary critics. The Umurovs tried to clarify this concept using the tools of artistic psychology.The terms "psychologism", "image of the inner world", "psychological analysis", "image of the spiritual world", "psychological analysis", "image of the inner life" are often used in literature. H. Umurov admits that "artistic psychologism" is a much broader concept than "psychological analysis": "Psychological analysis" reflects the processes of the human psyche, the development of various "tones" in his thoughts and feelings, and opens the spiritual world of the hero in an analytical principle. is an aesthetic category.