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Die Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens durch das eingesetzte Eigenkapital Wert zu schaffen, d.h. eine Rendite für seine Aktionäre zu erwirtschaften, bezeichnet man als Shareholder Value. Der Shareholder Value ist heute ein brandaktuelles Mittel zur Bewertung der Unternehmensperformance. Damit ein Unternehmen erfolgreich ist (und neue Kapitalgeber gewinnt), muß es in einem rentablen Markt operieren und eine Strategie verfolgen, die einen anhaltenden Wettbewerbsvorteil verspricht. Die Voraussetzung hierfür ist das Erkennen und Positionieren von Marktchancen durch die Marketingexperten, die durch die…mehr

Die Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens durch das eingesetzte Eigenkapital Wert zu schaffen, d.h. eine Rendite für seine Aktionäre zu erwirtschaften, bezeichnet man als Shareholder Value. Der Shareholder Value ist heute ein brandaktuelles Mittel zur Bewertung der Unternehmensperformance. Damit ein Unternehmen erfolgreich ist (und neue Kapitalgeber gewinnt), muß es in einem rentablen Markt operieren und eine Strategie verfolgen, die einen anhaltenden Wettbewerbsvorteil verspricht. Die Voraussetzung hierfür ist das Erkennen und Positionieren von Marktchancen durch die Marketingexperten, die durch die wachsende Bedeutung des Shareholder Value in Zukunft die Festlegung der Unternehmensstrategie verstärkt beeinflussen. Der Autor beschreibt hier das Zusammenspiel zwischen Marketing, Shareholder Value und Strategie und erläutert anschaulich, wie diese Erkenntnis in die Praxis umzusetzen ist. Darüber hinaus nennt er zahlreiche praktische Tipps und Methoden, wie man Marketingideen in den gegebenen Finanzrahmen umsetzt. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen, Fallstudien und Tabellen.

A seminal work - reformulating marketing around creating shareholder value.

For the first time, marketing is integrated with the governing objective of management. A practical, step-by-step guide to developing marketing strategies that generate growth and shareholder value. An essential text for top management and MBAs.

Marketing has not had the impact on management that its importance merits. This is largely due to its unclear objectives and weak intellectual foundations.

Value Based Marketing reformulates marketing, making its goals more relevant and establishing it on a sounder intellectual basis. The governing objective of management in all of today's leading companies is to maximise long-term returns to shareholders. The book redefines marketing's role as contributing to this task of shareholder value creation. It explores how this affects marketing planning and decisions about brands, pricing, communications, distribution and the Internet.

The increasing emphasis placed on the financial technique of shareholder value as a means for measuring a company's performance has provided a major opportunity for marketing managers: the ability to increase greatly their sphere of influence in setting their company's strategic direction like never before. The book provides a clear practical introduction to shareholder value analysis and provides practical tools for translating marketing ideas into the financial framework used by modern boards of directors.

For top management and CFOs, the book explains how marketing generates shareholder value. It shows how top management should evaluate strategies and stimulate more effective and relevant marketing in their companies.

"...Is a highly practical as well as theoretical text. Rigorously researched and cross-referenced, this book covers its ground with impressive thoroughness and is immaculately and intelligently written." (Marketing Business, October 2000)

"quality revision manual" (Financial Management, June 2001)

"a good book for senior marketing managers"... (Marketing Management, July 2001)

voted no.1 in top ten reads of 2001 (Marketing Business, 1 December 2001)


About the Author.


Marketing and Shareholder Value.

The Shareholder Value Approach.

The Marketing Value Driver.

The Growth Imperative.


Strategic Position Assessment.

Value-Based Marketing Strategy.


Building Brand Equity.

Pricing for Value.

Value-Based Communications.

Value-Based Internet Marketing.


Peter Doyle is internationally recognised for his teaching and research on marketing and business strategy. He is Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at the University of Warwick Business School. Previously he has held positions at the London Business School, INSEAD, Bradford and Stanford Universities.
He is the author of numerous papers which have appeared in most of the world's top journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science and the Economic Journal. His other recent books are Marketing Management and Strategy and Innovation in Marketing.
He has acted as a consultant to many of the most famous international companies including Coca-Cola, IBM, Nestle, Cadbury-Schweppes, British Airways, Mars, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Shell, BP Amoco, AstraZeneca, Novartis, 3M, Saatchi & Saatchi and Wal-Mart. He has also advised such professional bodies as Britain's Cabinet Office, The Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Institute of Directors, the CBI, the Pacific-Asian Management Institute and the Singapore Department of Trade.
Peter Doyle has run executive programmes for senior managers thorhgout Europe, the United States, South America, Australia and the Far East. He has been voted 'Outstanding Teacher' on numerous university and corporate courses. He has a First Class Honours degree from the University of Manchester and an MBA and PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, USA. His research has twice led him to tbe awarded the President's Medal of the Operational Research Society and the Best paper Award of the American Marketing Association.