Knowledge of vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data is necessary for the proper understanding of a large number of industrial and laboratory processes. Such data allow a grasp of the thermodynamic behaviour of mixtures, the study of intermolecular interactions and enable insight into the molecular nature of mixtures. They are also a basis for the development of theoretical thermodynamic models. Scientists and engineers will obviously benefit from a careful collection of the existing data.This book aims to provide a reliable collection of such data. Original data have been gathered from around 450 literature sources, including 80 journals and a number of dissertations and diploma papers. Previously unpublished data from the Thermodynamic Department of the former Merseburg-University and the author's own data sets are included.The VLE-data are divided into three chapters:1. Vapour pressures of binary polymer solutions (or solvent activities) - Chapter 22. Segment-molar excess Gibbs free energies of binary polymer solutions (in the form of Redlich-Kister parameters) - Chapter 33. Weight fraction Henry-constants for gases and vapours in molten polymers (from inverse gas-liquid chromatography measurements) - Chapter 4.A short introduction to the experimental methods and data reduction is included as Chapter 1. There are indexes for the polymers and solvents cited.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction. General objectives. Experimental methods. Measures for the polymer concentration. Segment-molar excess Gibbs free energies. How to use the data tables. 2. Vapour pressures of binary polymer solutions. 3. Redlich-Kister parameters for the segment-molar excess Gibbs free energies of binary polymer solutions. 4. Weight fraction Henry-constants of gases and vapours in molten polymers. References and Indices. References. Alphabetical solvent index. Formula solvent index. Alphabetical polymer index.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction. General objectives. Experimental methods. Measures for the polymer concentration. Segment-molar excess Gibbs free energies. How to use the data tables. 2. Vapour pressures of binary polymer solutions. 3. Redlich-Kister parameters for the segment-molar excess Gibbs free energies of binary polymer solutions. 4. Weight fraction Henry-constants of gases and vapours in molten polymers. References and Indices. References. Alphabetical solvent index. Formula solvent index. Alphabetical polymer index.