Vascular medicine is a specialization in the field of medicine that is concerned with the management, treatment, prevention and diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made up of the veins, arteries and lymphatic vessels. Disorders of the arteries or arterial diseases affect the aorta and arteries that supply blood to the hands, legs, brain, kidneys and intestines. Some arterials disorders are aneurysms, embolism, arterial thrombosis, vasospastic disorders and vasculitides. Venous diseases may include varicose veins, venous thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency. Lymphatic diseases include varied forms of lymphedema as well as modification of cardiovascular disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This book covers in detail some existing theories and innovative concepts revolving around vascular medicine. It presents this complex subject in the most comprehensible language. A number of latest researches have been included to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.
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