The Sadler Family Saga. Book One...A fast paced, captivating Apocalyptic Christian Thriller The story of one family's search for Vengeance, Love, Hope and Salvation during mankinds darkest days. In one cataclysmic moment the entire planet is plundged into terror and chaos after the sudden unexplained disappearance of millions of people worldwide. As mankind quickly descends into anarchy and violence, former Marine Corp Captain Jon Sadler, son of Amos Sadler, Founder and President of Prism Technologies, sets out on a mission of vengeance when a tragedy of an incomprehensible act of barbarity strikes his family. While on his quest, Jon meets Nicole, an abused teenager trapped in the horrors of human trafficking and sexual slavery, and Thomas, a solitary young man, adrift in the world. Realizing he must save them both, Jon risks everything on a perilous journey of vengeance and redemption. Although Jon's past haunts his present, will God's mercy and forgiveness lead Jon to a saving faith?
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