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One of the greatest frustrations in most software projects is version control: the art of managing changes to information. Today's increasingly fast pace of software development-as programmers make small changes to software one day only to undo them the next-has only heightened the problem; consecutive work on code or single-programmer software is a rare sight these days. Without careful attention to version control, concurrent and collaborative work can create more headaches than it solves. This is where Subversion comes into play.
Written by members of the Subversion open source

One of the greatest frustrations in most software projects is version control: the art of managing changes to information. Today's increasingly fast pace of software development-as programmers make small changes to software one day only to undo them the next-has only heightened the problem; consecutive work on code or single-programmer software is a rare sight these days. Without careful attention to version control, concurrent and collaborative work can create more headaches than it solves. This is where Subversion comes into play.

Written by members of the Subversion open source development team, Version Control with Subversion introduces the powerful new versioning tool designed to be the successor to the Concurrent Version System or CVS. CVS users will find the "look and feel" Subversion comfortably familiar, but under the surface it's far more flexible, robust, and usable, and more importantly, it improves on CVS's more notable flaws.

The book begins with a general introduction to Subversion, the basic concepts behind version control, and a guided tour of Subversion's capabilities and structure. With thorough attention to detail, the authors cover every aspect of installing and configuring Subversion for managing a programming project, documentation, or any other team-based endeavor. Later chapters cover the more complex topics of branching, repository administration, and other advanced features such as properties, externals, and access control. The book ends with reference material and appendices covering a number of useful topics such as a Subversion complete reference and troubleshooting guide.Version Control with Subversion aims to be useful to readers of widely different backgrounds, from those with no previous experience in version control to experienced sysadmins. If you've never used version control, you'll find everything you need to get started in this book. And if you're a seasoned CVS pro, this book will help you make a painless leap into Subversion.
Ben Collins-Sussman has been a sysadmin and programmer for ten years, and is one of the original designers and authors of Subversion. He currently works for CollabNet as a Subversion developer and community leader. When away from his computer, he moonlights as a musical theater composer at theaters around the city of Chicago. He lives with his lovely wife, three cats, and a house full of computer and music gizmos. Brian W. Fitzpatrick is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and currently works for Google. He has been involved with Subversion in one way or another since its inception in early 2000. He is also the author of Version Control with Subversion. Originally from New Orleans, Brian moved to Chicago to attend Loyola University where he received a degree in Latin and Greek. C. Michael Pilato (Mike) is a core Subversion developer, and a leader in the Subversion community. He is currently employed by CollabNet, where he spends his days (and many nights) improving Subversion and other tools with which it integrates. A husband and father, this North Carolina native also enjoys composing and performing music, freelance graphic design work, hiking, and spending quality time with his family. Mike has a degree in computer science and mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Das Buch eignet sich sehr gut, wenn man Subversion als Benutzer oder auch als (zukünftiger) Admin eines Subversion-Servers kennenlernen will - und dabei wird nicht vorausgesetzt, daß man schon ein alter Hase auf dem Gebiet der Versionskontrolle ist. Die Autoren haben sich aus eigenem Interesse darum bemüht, eine gute Dokumentation zu schreiben, da dieses Buch bzw. der Text auch als Dokumentation zu Subversion dient.

Die Erläuterungen im Buch gehen zwar eher auf die Unix-Welt ein, Windows bzw. die Konfiguration unter Windows wird aber nicht "verschwiegen".

Das Buch beantwortet auch Fragen, die man sich stellt, wenn man von CVS zu Subversion kommt. Zum Beispiel: Wenn alle Dateien im Repository die gleiche Revisionsnummer haben - wie finde ich dann den Stand bzw. die Revisionsnummer einer Datei vor der letzten Änderung? (Dazu gibt es - abgesehen vom Logfile der Datei - Revision Keywords oder auch svn status - verbose.)

Gefallen hat mir auch, daß ein paar Entscheidungen wie zum Beispiel für die Berkeley DB im Text begründet werden." - Sebastian Inacker, Linux UserGroup Freiburg, Juli 2004