Violet Alva (April 24, 1908 - November 20, 1969) was an Indian politician and Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha. She was married to Indian journalist, lawyer and freedom fighter, Joachim Alva. The Government of India issued a stamp commemorating the couple in November 2008. In 1952, Violet was elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. She was Minister of State for Home Affairs from 1957-1962. In 1969, Alva resigned after Indira Gandhi declined to back Alva as Vice-President of the Nation.Violet married freedom fighter and later parliamentarian Joachim Alva in 1937. The couple had two sons, Niranjan and Chittaranjan, and a daughter, Maya. Niranjan Alva married Margaret Alva, parliamentarian and present Governor of Uttarakhand.