According to the latest forecast, the AR/VR market is projected to be a $150 Billion USD worth by 2020. The introduction of new Head Mounted Displays (HMD) like the Microsoft Hololens or the Oculus Rift in 2016 are just going to be the beginning. Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) applications will revolutionize the way pilots are being trained. The main drivers are the fast technological improvements, the constant decrease of the hardware and software cost and the steadily increasing company awareness of the potential training cost savings. Other businesses like the law enforcement or the medical industry have already successfully implemented these innovative training tools while the pilot training industry still relies on old fashioned e-learning platforms like CBTs. "This area of development is going to be a fundamental game changer in terms of extremely low cost but extremely powerful flight training." The book provides the reader with some basic knowledge in virtual reality training and uncovers in a second step the various improvement areas in the pilot training and its huge market potential.