Michel Wedel is Distinguished University Professor and PepsiCo Chair in Consumer Science at University of Maryland. Rik Peters is Professor at Department of Marketing, Tilberg School of Economics and Management.
M. Wedel
R. Pieters
Introduction to Visual Marketing. Part 1. Visual Attention and Perception.K. Rayner
M.S. Castelhano
Eye Movements During Reading
Scene Perception
Visual Search and While Looking at Print Advertisements. R. Pieters
M. Wedel
The Informativeness of Eye-Movements for Visual Marketing: Six Cornerstones. N.T. Tavassoli
The Effect of Selecting and Ignoring on Liking. Part 2. Visual Cognition.E.F. McQuarrie
Differentiating the Pictorial Element in Advertising: A Rhetorical Perspective. E. Greenleaf
P. Raghubir
Geometry in the Market Place. P. Raghubir
Are Visual Perception Biases Hard-Wired? A. Krishna
Spatial Perception Research: An Integrative Review of Length
and Number Perception. Part 3. Action and Choice.J. Meyers-Levy
R. Zhu
Perhaps the Store Made You Purchase It: Toward an Understanding of Structural Aspects of Indoor Shopping Environments. P. Chandon
J.W. Hutchinson
E.T. Bradlow
S.H. Young
Measuring the Value of Point-of-Purchase Marketing with Commercial Eye-Tracking Data. H. Cho
N. Schwarz
H. Song
Images and Preference: A Feeling-as-Information Analysis. Epilogue. C. Janiszewski
Rethinking Visual Communication Research: Updating Old Constructs and Considering New Metaphors.