Written by internationally recognized VMware expert Mike Laverick, this is an in-depth implementation guide to VMware's new suite of virtualization technologies, vSphere4. The book provides best practices for deploying the vSphere product in real-world enterprise environments. You will get insider tips for planning, designing, implementing, and securing a virtual infrastructure and automating tasks and procedures.
Written by internationally recognized VMware expert Mike Laverick, this is an in-depth implementation guide to VMware's new suite of virtualization technologies, vSphere4. The book provides best practices for deploying the vSphere product in real-world enterprise environments. You will get insider tips for planning, designing, implementing, and securing a virtual infrastructure and automating tasks and procedures.
Mike Laverick is a VMware Forum moderator and member of the London VMware User Group steering committee. He is the sole author of the virtualization website/blog, RTFM Education. Mike recently received the vExperts Award from VMware.
Introduction 1 Installing ESX 4 Classic 2 Installing ESX 4i 3 Installing vCenter 4 Standard Networking 5 Distributed Viral Networking (DVN) 6 Storage 7 Create and Modify VMs 8 Rapid VM 9 Access Control 10 Resource Monitoring 11 Resource Management 12 VMotion, Storage VMotion and Cold Migration 13 Vmware Distributed Resource 14 Vmware Distributed Power Management 15 Vmware High Availability 16 Vmware Fault-Tolearance (FT) 17 vSphere Advanced Configuration Tools 18 Vmware View (VDI) Jumpstart 19 Virtual Machine Backup 20 Vmware Patch Management 21 Upgrading from Vi3.5 to vSphere 4