Andean rural young women constantly face numerous
socio-cultural and educational obstacles, including
a curriculum that does not apply to their needs,
unprepared teachers with low expectations for their
future, an educational environment that silences
their voices, and a history of domestic violence and
Voice and Agency in Andean Rural Young Women's
Education demonstrates that in spite of this
oppressive environment, they are firmly determined
to search for a different future in order to become
active agents, instead of living in the patriarchal
cycle that their mothers and female relatives
This book shows that such determination is coupled
with demonstrated hard work and commitment.
The willingness to search for a different future is
propelled by a socialization network created at
school, in which young women influenced each other
by sharing stories of their urban and working
experiences and proving each other with mutual
socio-cultural and educational obstacles, including
a curriculum that does not apply to their needs,
unprepared teachers with low expectations for their
future, an educational environment that silences
their voices, and a history of domestic violence and
Voice and Agency in Andean Rural Young Women's
Education demonstrates that in spite of this
oppressive environment, they are firmly determined
to search for a different future in order to become
active agents, instead of living in the patriarchal
cycle that their mothers and female relatives
This book shows that such determination is coupled
with demonstrated hard work and commitment.
The willingness to search for a different future is
propelled by a socialization network created at
school, in which young women influenced each other
by sharing stories of their urban and working
experiences and proving each other with mutual