Vranashopha is one of the commonest clinical conditions, which we come across in our day-to-day surgical practice. Sthanik shopha is also termed as vranashopha. This clinical entity is characterized by vedana, utseda, sthanik ushma vrudhi and vivarnata. The disease has three different stages as ama, pachyamana and pakwa avastha. The sufferer experience more pain in ama and pachyamana avastha. Hence he wants instant relief in these stages. The disease has to be effectively managed in ama and pachyamana avastha only. The two very best treatment procedures mentioned in these stages of the disease are lepa upakrama and jaloukavacharana. In this clinical study the patients suffering from ama avastha of vranashopha were selected and randomly divided in two groups. In this clinical study, punarnavadi lepa and jaloukavacharana were selected to give new dimension in the management of vranashopha. In the present study total 40 patients were selected, and randomly divided into two groups.