In a literary work, notably poetic, the evocation of homophiles, of marginalized people or then of fallen traditions, comes under the writing of the waste which derives from a set of social, moral and religious phenomena, witnesses of cultural facts. These realities of waste, which can slide towards the state of decay, constitute the stigmas of an ethico-social transgression that enriches the literature from the thematic and structural point of view. Thus, the poetic creation by the waste and the scriptural decay rests on a cultural topos, and is based therefore on the relation existing between interdependent themes; they are therefore conceptual facts bound by a necessary dependence that gives to establish this relation between ''waste-decay''; ''culture'' and ''artistic creation''. Far from a literary debauchery, any work inspired by waste and/or decay promotes the quest of the authentic self, the rediscovery of the beliefs and the cultural values.