In sub-Saharan Africa, the issue of sustainable development is now particularly of great concern as many countries in this region struggle to achieve a reasonable level of social and economic development and industrialization. Many countries in Africa have to do these while contending with various ecological problems and disasters arising from the forces of nature. In these nations, human factors, in combination with the natural conditions of climate and geology are affecting water quality even when these countries do not have the kind of industries that flourish in the developed countries where industrial waste and pollutants from them can threaten the quality of water available for human consumption, and other purposes. Human activities, have induced or accelerated many changes in the environment while cases of catchment mismanagement have accelerated water quality changes in many West African lakes and river systems. Professor B. C. Egboka and Dr. B. I. Odoh, in putting together the present book on water and ecological problems, related disasters arising from them, and how all these relate to the important issue of sustainable development,have proffered workable solutions.