Women the bearer of water scarcity affects and cannot deny the realities water scarcity. This paper highlighted some of the ways in which water scarcity increases the difficulties faced by slum women, particularly in terms of the burden of water collection and health issues. It also traced changing relationships in slum women s life in this situation. Generally, women s water management role in the household is not recognizing as important role. This study reveals that, during water scarcity because of women s traditional role as providers of water for the family, women caretakers have demonstrated interests and ability to collect and preserve water. Due to this workloads women s health their livelihood options are adversely affected. During water scarcity women s experiences and coping mechanisms explored through this research. Thus, it makes a critique of current social structures particularly with regard to gendered values and perceptions and provides examples of gendered thinking in dealing with water management role during water scarcity.