Zimbabwe's hope for a fruitful coalition between President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai four years ago, suffered a spectacular stillbirth. Even before government portfolios had been parceled out among them, the politicians were already tearing each other apart. In no time, what had promised to be workable unity had sunk into a rag-tag brawl under which the economy was the biggest casualty. In this book, a digest of critiques published in NewsDay, Chipangura exposes political and economic wounds inflicted on Zimbabwe by the combat inside this fragile unity a fake government where Mugabe and Tsvangirai met for tea and cake every Monday morning yet, for the rest of the week, they sank daggers into each other's necks. Meanwhile, MPs who spent half the time sleeping in Parliament resorted to verbal acrobatics to blind the electorate while they fattened themselves from national plunder of obscene proportions involving diamonds. One cannot resist the humorous analogy equating Zimbabwean politicians to a bunch of bananas when it comes to corruption and greed: they stick together, yellow to the core, slippery when stepped on, and not one of them is straight!