Mario Heiderich is a Cologne, Germany-based freelancer and entrepreneur who is devoted to Web application development and security and is currently working on several projects while earning his Ph.D. at Ruhr University in Bochum. He graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Friedberg/Hessen with a degree in media informatics, and has been working for several German and international companies as a developer and security consultant. In addition to being lead developer for the PHPIDS and author of a German book about Web application security, he has been a speaker at several conferences and a trainer for Web security classes around the world. His work is focused on client-side attacks and defense, especially markup, CSS, and JavaScript, on all major user agents.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: HTML
Chapter 3: JavaScript and VBScript
Chapter 4: Nonalphanumeric JavaScript
Chapter 5: CSS
Chapter 6: PHP
Chapter 7: SQL
Chapter 8: Web Application Firewalls and Client-side Filters
Chapter 9: Mitigating Bypasses and Attacks
Chapter 10: Future Developments