Little story about Jack and Diane...but mostly Jack! Jack Sutter has written an inspiring and humorous journal of his life on and off the court. His story begins as an innocent, unassuming boy growing up in a small farming and coal mining town in Southern Illinois playing basketball on a dirt court. Then leads to coaching in a nationally televised NCAA Mid-West Regional tournament in front of a sold-out crowd. While he chronicled his adventures primarily for his eight grandchildren, his journey from small town kid to an Illinois All-State high school basketball player to a Division 1 college player to college coach will inspire every starry-eyed, small-town kid who picks up a basketball. Jack has met and coached against some of the greatest college coaches the game has ever known. Join him as he retraces his steps, remembering the special people and amazing places he's been over the last seven decades. Whether you've known Jack all your life or are meeting him for the first time in the pages of this book, he heartily declares, "Welcome to My World!"
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