Wer erklärt das Gesetz des Königs? Ausgehend von dieser titelgebenden Frage werden die Tätigkeit und das Berufsbild der Juristen im Königreich Sizilien untersucht, die das erste Rechtskorpus des westlichen Mittelalters, den »Liber augustalis« (1231) von Friedrich II., glossierten. Die seit dem 13. Jahrhundert an der sizilischen »magna curia« tätigen und königstreuen Richter erklärten mit ihren Glossen das Gesetz des Königs. Die Originalität dieser Glossatoren zeigt sich bei der Auslegung der juristischen Texte und zeichnet sie als Vorläufer einer eigenständigen Rechtstradition aus. Das Buch nimmt erstmals die Glossatoren im Königreich Sizilien als Gruppe von Fachleuten wahr und beleuchtet ihren sozialen und kulturellen Kontext.
Who explains the king's law? The present volume answers this question by examining the work and profession of judges in the Kingdom of Sicily who glossed the "Liber augustalis" (1231), the first legal corpus of the Western Middle Ages promulgated by Emperor Frederick II. These judges, active in Frederick's Sicilian magna curia since the 13th century and loyal to the king, played an important role in explaining the king's law with their glosses. Their originality is proven by the way they interpreted legal texts and marks them as pioneers of an independent legal tradition. For the first time, this present volume portrays these glossators in the Kingdom of Sicily as a group of experts and gives insight in both their social and cultural context.
Who explains the king's law? The present volume answers this question by examining the work and profession of judges in the Kingdom of Sicily who glossed the "Liber augustalis" (1231), the first legal corpus of the Western Middle Ages promulgated by Emperor Frederick II. These judges, active in Frederick's Sicilian magna curia since the 13th century and loyal to the king, played an important role in explaining the king's law with their glosses. Their originality is proven by the way they interpreted legal texts and marks them as pioneers of an independent legal tradition. For the first time, this present volume portrays these glossators in the Kingdom of Sicily as a group of experts and gives insight in both their social and cultural context.