Ein Angebot für € 216,00 €
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The three soloistic compositions were much influenced by a fundamental new beginning in composing. His works were no longer to be characterized by intuitive composing based on sudden impulses. Now, counterpoint and fugue rather moved into the focus of Schumann's interest, with the latter being not least inspired by his close relationship with Mendelssohn who was an excellent interpreter of works by Bach. The fact that counterpoint was anything but a dead relic to Schumann can be gathered from his reviews: 'In any case, the best fugue always is the one that the public takes for a…mehr

The three soloistic compositions were much influenced by a fundamental new beginning in composing. His works were no longer to be characterized by intuitive composing based on sudden impulses. Now, counterpoint and fugue rather moved into the focus of Schumann's interest, with the latter being not least inspired by his close relationship with Mendelssohn who was an excellent interpreter of works by Bach. The fact that counterpoint was anything but a dead relic to Schumann can be gathered from his reviews: 'In any case, the best fugue always is the one that the public takes for a Strauss waltz, […].'
Die drei solistischen Kompositionen standen im Zeichen eines grundlegenden kompositorischen Neubeginns. Nicht mehr das schnelle, einer spontanen Eingebung folgende Komponieren sollte seine Werke bestimmen. Vielmehr rückten nun Kontrapunkt und Fuge in den Mittelpunkt von Schumanns Interesse. Anregung erhielt er nicht zuletzt durch die enge Verbindung mit Mendelssohn, der ein ausgezeichneter Bach-Interpret war. Dass für Schumann Kontrapunktik alles andere als ein totes Relikt war, lässt sich seinen Kritiken entnehmen: „Jedenfalls bleibt immer die die beste Fuge, die das Publicum - etwa für einen Strauß’schen Walzer hält, […].”