In the middle of the oceanic solitude, in a clear night, I raise my eyes to the stars and I feel the upward pull of the center of the Milky Way and, the consciousness that everything exists because the essence of my Being exists, springs up in me. I know that if I were to stop the thought of the universe in my Being, the entire Creation would be reabsorbed into my nonbeing and from there I could return it to the sense of time and existence, within the same instant that I return it to me..... If I submerge my body and mind in the roar of my silence, the universe disappears for me, to fill my emptiness with me, though my body remains; now, if I stop the thought of the universe in my emptiness, it disappears completely, though its inactive singularity remains differentiated in me. From there, I can vomit the universe back into existence under my will. Here, the essence of my Being finds the ultimate level of the differentiation of non-existence; silenced from all thought: I am what I Am....