Katherine Karr, Jess KarrWhat Do I Do?
How to Care For, Comfort, and Commune with Your Nursing Home Elder, Revised and Illustrated Edition
* How to Care for, Comfort, and Commune at the Physical Level
* Checkpoint: Clothing Needs and Clothing Care
* Checkpoint: Skin Care
* Checkpoint: Other Physical Considerations
* Checkpoint: Teeth and Denture Care
* Checkpoint: Eye Care
* Checkpoint: Ear Care
* Checkpoint: Hair Grooming and Cosmetology Needs
* Checkpoint: Nails-Manicuring and Pedicuring
* Checkpoint: Bedsores
* Checkpoint: Monitoring Medications
* Checkpoint: Dietary Awareness
* Checkpoint: Special Feeding Considerations
* Checkpoint: Restorative Therapy
* How to Care for, Comfort, and Commune at the Emotional Level
* Checkpoint: Understanding Feelings and Developing Empathy Skills
* Checkpoint: Using Touch to Communicate Care
* Checkpoint: Overcoming Discounting Behaviors
* Checkpoint: Patronizing Behaviors
* Checkpoint: The Role of Music in Caring
* Checkpoint: Special Seasonal Considerations
* How to Care for, Comfort, and Commune at the Mental Level
* Checkpoint: Differentiating Between "Diversionary
* Activities" and Those Which Encourage Wholistic
* Creative Growth
* Checkpoint: Personalizing Activities
* Checkpoint: Reality Orientation
* Checkpoint: Remotivational Therapy
* Checkpoint: Resident Councils
* Checkpoint: Family & Friends Councils
* How to Care for, Comfort, and Commune at the Spiritual Level
* Checkpoint: Special Times for Spiritual Life
* Checkpoint: Visits From Church Members, Ministers.
* Priests?
* Checkpoint: Preparing for Death
* Reference Notes Included