The Electronic Commerce or the e-Commerce, is the commerce throught the Internet. One of the largest company in the world practices in the e-Commerce, this company is Amazon (NASDAQ - AMZN). According to the website Statista, the global retail (B2C) e-commerce market size in 2019 was of 3.53 trillion US$ which is more than the Gross Domestic Product for Germany in 2019 (3.4 Trillion US$) and the e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 6.54 trillion US$ in 2022, which is more than the Gross Domestic Product of the Japan in 2019 (5.71 Trillion US$). But according to the website GrandViewResearch, the global e-commerce market size (B2B + B2C) was valued at more than 9 Trillion US$ in 2019 which is little less than the Gross Domestoc Product of India in 2019 (approximately 11 Trillion US$), according to the website Statista. In this essay, we are going to see more in details what is the e-Commerce.