This book is a sequel to the first two volumes that have been released for the purpose of telling the people the truth about the Church established by Christ - the first being "What Must We Know about the Church of Christ," and the second was "What the Church of Christ Believes." The 25 articles here lay down what the Church proclaims in their preaching, whether it is congregational worship or private Bible study or evangelism. Members of the Church see in themselves the responsibility to share the gospel to all nations by beginning with their hearts, and then to their family, neighbor, co-workers, and friends near and far. We look at what we proclaim as something that is significant, and therefore we should never go wrong with what we preach and teach, for the difference between right and wrong is the difference between heaven and hell. We do not seek the approval of men, "for not he that commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends." (2 Cor. 10:18) Read inside to know more about what the Church of Christ proclaims.