Here's How to Join a Successful Group Practice and Avoid Costly Mistakes With large student loan payments looming, it's easy to want to jump into practice as soon as you can out of school. You only get one chance to pick the right practice for you. Don't let short term debt force you into making a costly mistake. That's where we come in. We help new dentists choose the right group practice where they can learn and grow their skills as a respected dentist in the field. Step 1: We invest time learning about your goals and objectives, and give you a tour of our facility so you can see what sets us apart. We'll show you the pros and cons of working with a group practice so you can make an informed and educated decision. Step 2: We mentor you and provide ongoing support with state of the art treatment available to patients. Step 3: We surround you with a staff that is committed to your success. Most new dentists look at the percentages much too soon when deciding on where they want to work. Now you can join a successful group practice and start your dental career off on the right foot without making a costly mistake. If you'd like us to help, just send an email to: and we will take it from there.
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