The novel revolves around a teenager name Yuzuru who lives with his aunt and little sister who meets Asuna an orphan who just wants to have a family. Yuzuru has lost his parents at the young age and doesn't have any memory of it The novel depicts the story where Yuzuru who have a family bring joy and color in Asuna's life who just wants to have someone and how Asuna makes Yuzuru forget about all his worries and teaches him to live the life to the fullest This tale is full of suspense and romance, how small things can give you big happiness in life, how the family is what matters the most. how an unshakable belief and pure feelings can even force the god to change the fate When The night falls here indicates that when night falls down and sun rises Raghav was 15 when he penned down this book, it's his teenage work, hope you like it Read Well Readers
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