A lifelong Chicagoan, Richard C. Lindberg has written fifteen books dealing with city history, politics, criminal justice, sports, and ethnicity. A past president of the Society of Midland Authors and the Illinois Academy of Criminology, he has appeared on the History Channel, Biography, the Travel Channel, A&E, and the Discovery Channel.
1. Sweden and the Sorrows
2. Two Men from Swedetown
3. The Opposite Sides of the Tracks
4. The Shadows of Despair
5. Feeding the Sparrows
6. Oscar and Evelyn and Charley
7. A Picnic, a Proposal, a Passage
8. Charity Begins at Home
9. The Crying Game
10. The House That Was Not a Home
11. The Shook-up Generation
12. Custody Visits
13. Slam Books and Second Chances
14. A Child of Clubland
15. The Taming of the Swede
16. Love Is for Barflies
17. A Worker of the World
18. Ashes to Ashes—and Back to Ronneby
19. A Wayne King Lullaby