"[T]he essays in Matt Wray and Annalee Newitz's White Trash: Race and Class in America forcefully peel away many common assumptions about the relations between race and privilege. The essays in White Trash interweave the personal and the "objective" to demonstrate the interdependence of experience and knowledge necessary to understand as false what has to date been assumed as normative in our cultural identity: that "white" is both classless and privileged. White Trash offers a slash-and-burn approach that others will appreciate, targeting the intersection of race and class in white culture as the invisible site of contradiction that allows whiteness to be understood as raceless and classless." -- Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
"White Trash...contribute(s) some important new voices to the current culture wars." -- Boston Review of Books ..a new collection of stunningly didactic essays in cultural criticism...Welcome to the newest fad in academia: white studies.
"White Trash...contribute(s) some important new voices to the current culture wars." -- Boston Review of Books ..a new collection of stunningly didactic essays in cultural criticism...Welcome to the newest fad in academia: white studies.