Simon Grant, an ingenious and notorious villain, is released at last from prison in October 1997. Awaiting him, is a member of a mysterious group in Spain that wants to recruit him. Unbeknownst to the mystery contact, Grant died during his incarceration, and retired SAS officer, Neil Beeches, has accepted an assignment to take his place. His brief is to impersonate Grant, to discover who they are and why they need his special skills. Gina Douglas is one of a team assigned to watch his back, and when he is whisked onto a flight to Spain, she follows. Her Spanish counterpart, Luis is awaiting her, and their instant aversion to each other threatens to make their relationship a rocky but passionate one. The role that is planned for Neil is beyond his wildest imaginings, and made even more dangerous and difficult when a young female hostage is taken. Now he must succeed in his assignment, whilst ensuring her safety and gaining her freedom, never stepping out of role. Who would dare to take on this dangerous task? He dares, but will he win.
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