"Whispers of the Forgotten House" follows Lucia, a young woman living in a seemingly normal house with her family in a quiet neighborhood. However, strange things begin to happen when they move in. The house's history is filled with dark secrets, and Lucia soon finds herself entangled in a mystery she can't ignore. Her family and the mysterious neighbors, including Alvaro, a troubled young man with his own past, all play pivotal roles as she uncovers terrifying truths.As the family becomes more divided, Lucia's struggles with her mental state intensify. Her parents, not believing her, send her to a psychiatrist who dismisses her claims as delusions, while she becomes determined to uncover the truth. The psychological tension deepens as Lucia and Alvaro form an unlikely bond, seeking answers to the house's haunted history, the disturbing events, and the disturbing connection they share with the supernatural. In a world where trust and sanity are fragile, Lucia must confront the terrifying reality before it consumes her.The story dives into themes of love, fear, betrayal, and the unexplainable, leading to an explosive conclusion that will leave readers questioning the boundaries of the real and the supernatural.