Dieses weltweit anerkannte Wörterbuch wurde für die fünfte Auflage wesentlich aktualisiert und um rund 35% erweitert. Es ist das Standardwerk für alle, die für ihre Arbeit eine umfassende und zuverlässige Sammlung der Fachbegriffe aus den Bereichen Energieerzeugung, -übertragung und -verteilung, Antriebstechnik, Automatisierungstechnik, elektrische Installationstechnik, Leistungselektronik sowie Mess-, Analysen- und Prüftechnik benötigen. Einschließlich vieler elektrotechnischer Grundbegriffe deckt es mit rund 90.000 Einträgen und 125.000 Übersetzungen in Teil 1 (Deutsch-Englisch) und 75.000 Einträgen und 109.000 Übersetzungen in Teil 2 (Englisch-Deutsch) große Gebiete der industriell angewandten Elektrotechnik umfassend ab.
Power Generation
Transmission and Distribution
Drive Engineering
Switchgear and Installation Engineering
Power Electronics
Analysis and Test Engineering
Automation Engineering
Basic Electrotechnical Terms
Compared to the last edition, this worldwide-respected dictionary has been updated and enlarged by about 35%. It is the standard work for all those requiring a comprehensive and reliable compilation of terms from the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, drive engineering, automation, switchgear and installation engineering, power electronics as well as measurement, analysis and test engineering. Including also a great number of basic electrotechnical terms, with about 90,000 entries and 125,000 translations in Volume 1 (German-English) and 75,000 entries and 109,000 translations in Volume 2 (English-German) it comprehensively covers large fields of industrially applied electrical engineering.
Power Generation
Transmission and Distribution
Drive Engineering
Switchgear and Installation Engineering
Power Electronics
Analysis and Test Engineering
Automation Engineering
Basic Electrotechnical Terms
Power Generation
Transmission and Distribution
Drive Engineering
Switchgear and Installation Engineering
Power Electronics
Analysis and Test Engineering
Automation Engineering
Basic Electrotechnical Terms
Compared to the last edition, this worldwide-respected dictionary has been updated and enlarged by about 35%. It is the standard work for all those requiring a comprehensive and reliable compilation of terms from the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, drive engineering, automation, switchgear and installation engineering, power electronics as well as measurement, analysis and test engineering. Including also a great number of basic electrotechnical terms, with about 90,000 entries and 125,000 translations in Volume 1 (German-English) and 75,000 entries and 109,000 translations in Volume 2 (English-German) it comprehensively covers large fields of industrially applied electrical engineering.
Power Generation
Transmission and Distribution
Drive Engineering
Switchgear and Installation Engineering
Power Electronics
Analysis and Test Engineering
Automation Engineering
Basic Electrotechnical Terms