Das "Griechisch-deutsche Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der frühchristlichen Literatur" gehört zu den Standardwerken der Neutestamentler, Patristiker und klassischen Philologen. Die 6. Auflage ist in allen Bereichen neu bearbeitet: in der neutestamentlichen Textgrundlage (auch, was ihre Vollständigkeit und die Angabe von Varianten angeht) wie in bezug auf die Apostolischen Väter wie die neutestamentlichen Apokryphen (diese sind zum ersten Mal so vollständig wie möglich eingearbeitet). Auch die Apologeten und die Kirchenväter der Frühzeit werden sehr viel häufiger als bisher zitiert. Zahlreiche Autoren aus dem christlichen, dem intertestamentarischen und dem klassischen Bereich sind zum ersten Mal herangezogen worden. Über 250 neue Artikel sind aufgenommen worden. Die neue Typographie läßt den Benutzer rascher finden, was er sucht, und macht den Aufbau der Artikel durchsichtiger. Durch sie wurde es möglich, etwa ein Drittel neues Material aufzunehmen, ohne daß die Seitenzahl des Wörterbuchs anwuchs.
The "Greek-German Dictionary of Writings from the New Testament and Early Christian Literature" is one of the standard works for New Testament scholars, researchers in patristics, and classical philologists. The 6th edition has been completely revised in all respects - in the NT text-base (both with respect to its comprehensiveness and the provision of variants) and in the Apostolic Fathers and the New Testament Apocrypha (these have been incorporated as comprehensively as possible for the first time). In addition, the Apologists and Early Church Fathers have been cited far more frequently than was previously the case. Numerous authors from the Christian, intertestamentary and classical fields have been referenced for the first time. Over 250 new articles have been included. The new typography speeds up searching and makes the structure of the articles more transparent. Thus, it waspossible to expand the material by about a third without increasing the number of pages.
The "Greek-German Dictionary of Writings from the New Testament and Early Christian Literature" is one of the standard works for New Testament scholars, researchers in patristics, and classical philologists. The 6th edition has been completely revised in all respects - in the NT text-base (both with respect to its comprehensiveness and the provision of variants) and in the Apostolic Fathers and the New Testament Apocrypha (these have been incorporated as comprehensively as possible for the first time). In addition, the Apologists and Early Church Fathers have been cited far more frequently than was previously the case. Numerous authors from the Christian, intertestamentary and classical fields have been referenced for the first time. Over 250 new articles have been included. The new typography speeds up searching and makes the structure of the articles more transparent. Thus, it waspossible to expand the material by about a third without increasing the number of pages.