List of Maps and Tables
List of Acronyms
1. "Women Must Occupy and Give Themselves the Place They Deserve"
Women's Activism and Feminist Agency in Mozambique and Nicaragua
2. "After Acknowledging Differences, We Must Also See What We Have in
Feminist Contestations and Commonalities across First World/Third World,
African, and Latin American Divides
3. "Doing a Revolution Doesn't Stop You from Being Machista"
The Birth of Revolutionary Women's Organizations and the Limits of
Marxism-Leninism in Mozambique and Nicaragua
4. "Women are Not Cows—We Are Active Agents of History"
Autonomy Struggles Emerge in Mozambique and Nicaragua
5. "The Oppressed Woman Is Easier to Deal With"
Political Participation, Legal Reforms, and Cultural Constraints in
Mozambique and Nicaragua
6. "I Can Do Anything a Man Can Do"
Military Participation, Economic Production, and Women's Emancipation in
Mozambique and Nicaragua
7. "There Are No Alternatives: Is This Really Democracy?"
Democratization and Civil Society in Mozambique and Nicaragua
8. "Partners in the Home, at Work, and on the Street"
The Contemporary Women's Movements and Emergent Feminisms in Mozambique and