How do women view the protracted conflict in Kashmiri; how have they been affected by violence; what are their activities in response to violence and can their activities contribute to peace processes? Taking into account women s class, age and cultural norms, this research takes a constructive approach with case study design; using qualitative methodology with a quantitative analysis of the interviewees, correlating their experience of violence with their activities to build peace. Applying theory to the data the researcher examines women s networks that connect to all levels of civil society. Women have a long term investment in peace and work differently than their male counterparts. Kashmiri women are a valuable untapped resource who can contribute greatly to social and political peace processes, if they are included at the local, national and international levels. This research contributes to existing literature that supports a gender inclusive strategy for peacebuilding. Italso offers valuable information to inform negotiations, conflict resolution , community building, aid assistance programs as well as much needed transitional justice and reconciliation processes.