In the charming coastal town of Woodvale, Betty and James high school romance blossoms amidst the backdrop of their small-town lives. From the moment they meet, their connection is undeniable, yet as they navigate their final year of high school, the future begins to cast its shadow on their relationship.Betty dreams of escaping to New York University, while James faces the weight of his family's expectations to join the family business, Standard Oil. As their paths diverge, their bond is tested by misunderstandings and emotional distance. When Jamess new relationship complicates things further, Betty is left grappling with heartache and uncertainty.As they each confront their desires and dilemmas, their story unfolds across seasons of change, culminating in a poignant farewell. Through moments of joy and sorrow, love and loss, woodvale is a poignant exploration of youthful dreams, the choices that define us, and the echoes of a love that lingers through time.